Laura Madden

Apr 5, 20221 min

News Segment ABC15 sharing Sustainable Shopping Tips

My most recent media feature was on ABC15 Arizona News speaking about my top sustainable fashion tips. As you may know, this is one of my favorite topics to talk about. Thank you for having me ABC 15! It was a pleasure being interviewed by anchor Claudia Rupcich, such a pro!

I thought the timing was especially fitting since April is Earth month. Unfortunately Fashion is still one of the most polluting industries. Every time I am asked to speak about this topic, I am reinvigorated for how strong my passion is for speaking up about the importance of sustainable fashion- and choosing better whenever & however you can…

Wherever you are on your fashion journey (and if you actually wear clothes, you are on a fashion journey whether you realize it or not), I hope me sharing what I do here helps raise awareness that this is something we all can and need to be aware of. I hope you enjoyed this segment.

For more sustainable fashion tips, follow me @iamlauramadden on Instagram.

