Laura Madden

Dec 11, 20212 min

The Inspiring Living Podcast Interview with Mark Candelaria

Check out my latest interview on The Inspiring Living Podcast by Mark Canndelaria of Candelaria Architecture talking all things @refashionedart x Fashion. My Interview with Mark will undoubtedly inspire and energized you- he has such an enthusiastic & intuitive interview style- even I came away connecting the dots of my Fashion x Art work in a whole new way.

If you’re new to his podcast it is a must listen! Mark is a world renowned Architect and happens to also call Phoenix home! We are lucky to have such a talented, philanthropic change maker here in our own hometown.

Recording The Inspiring Living Podcast in my own home

His questions are thoughtful yet always go deep, and as you’ll see on his podcast, he’s interviewed some of ‘the best of the best’. Cheers!! Thank you Mark for inviting me on!

A few words from Mark @mcandelariaarch


This week’s Inspiring Living Podcast features the amazing artist, Laura Madden, who has taken her passion for sustainability and repurposing and applied that methodology to her art and fashion! So much is wasted and tossed but not by Laura who searches and finds these treasures giving them new life and keeping them from the landfills. Her energy is infectious and we had a blast recording this podcast!

Everything she creates has the purpose of creating “More Style. Less Waste”. Her passion for creating beautiful things and doing good for the environment led her to start ReFashioned Art in 2019, a certified Gold Level Green business. Her advocacy for sustainable fashion as well as her repurposed art have been showcased in numerous galleries and magazines since! Laura serves on the boards of Remake, the Arizona Costume Institute, Fashion Group International and San Francisco Fashion Community Week!

She is on a mission to demonstrate a mirroring of style and sustainability, which leads into everything I do. She has been making her own art her entire adult life and came from her not being able to find or afford the art or clothes she really wanted, so she started doing it herself! She points out there is no shortage of stuff and "trash", so the possibilities to repurpose all this stuff into something beautiful and "new" is endless! “I hope my art will bring beauty, positivity and a fashionable edge to your home and workspace.”

The look- repurposed fashion, of course

