Who needs Christmas presents when we’ve got each other!?

Who needs Christmas presents when we’ve got each other (and this breathtaking view)!? It has been a number of years now that my husband and I have not been buying each other gifts. We’ll do our annual trek home just before Christmas to see family in Boston- 18 years and counting, spending Christmas Day in our own home with our dogs, and then usually take off again for a few days by ourselves before the new year rolls in.

I feel lucky to be married to someone who doesn’t value buying gifts more than experiences.I mean, we buy for each other and ourselves all year long, but it feels good to let go of that press to find ‘that perfect gift.’ It’s so silly to me, and can be so stressful. It’s just stuff and it’s just another day (to sound too Grinch-y, but it’s how I feel).

It was actually in 2014 that we decided to spend Christmas Day in our own home with our dogs because our dog at the time, Bailey, was not doing well. Changing up the usual routine of staying right through the holidays to leave Boston on Christmas Eve seemed strange at first, but also a whole lot less stressful. Less running around, less obligations- just easier and more relaxing.

As the story goes, that was Bailey’s last Christmas with us. He ended up passing just over a week later. So, that made us even more grateful we decided to change up our plan and spend Christmas in our own home. But still, that didn’t change the fact that it felt right to us to be in our own home, and to make the holiday experience more of a holiday- enchanted, relaxing, simple. Do we miss out on some family stuff- of course.
It’s actually more meaningful to spend time with people when things are not so crazy, hectic and rushed. To us, it’s more quality time that matters most. And at the end of the day- it’s just another day.

I wish you and your family the most beautiful and stress-free holiday you could hope and dream of.