Laura Madden

Feb 11, 20193 min

Mastering the look: pseudo minimalism

ReStyling my life. No formulas. Just feelings.

I’ve been calling myself a stylist for a few years now, since I started personal shopping at a Minneapolis line of thrift stores and styling various coaching clients. But I'm starting to reconsider the labels I place on myself. Change sure is a comin’- I can feel it~

I've always struggled with formulas, guidelines- you know, the 'ways' to dress- on trend/ thin/ age-appropriate/ work appropriate, etc. I KNOW, I KNOW- this is just what a stylist does. But not this stylist.


I know there are specific ways to dress for specific situations and for specific body types. I just don't know what they are. We live in a modern world where we are required to be dressed some-way, some-how to go out into the world (by law anyways). And in a physical world we are initially (and instantaneously) judged based on how we look. It is simple human nature, whether you know good style or not.

I get asked ALL-THE-TIME to write about the best colors for interviews, the best silhouettes for curvy shapes- you know, a formula, a prescription of sorts. And when I hear that my mind kinda takes off to some other place- my mind just doesn't work that way.

This is why choosing the best colors for another person or for one specific situation is not my thing. It simply is not my interest. It's not my passion. Because the best color or shape for any one person in any given situation is what you say it is- and only you. I really do believe that.

The style struggle is real

For this reason, it has crossed my mind that maybe styling isn't my thing. It may not be my path at this point in time. I know loads of stylists and image consultants that live and breathe colors, shapes, seasons, brands, etc. That is their thing. They do their thing well.

What I do love is to help people tune into themselves and feel inspired about dressing themselves- because it can be so fun and playful and creative- it should be at least. You should be able to do you- and do it confidently and playfully. I enjoy a more free flowing formula to getting dressed. Freedom is key here!

I use more of an intuitive, feel as I go way of picking out clothes- and I'm sure that shows in how I dress because I am often not on trend- but it is always personal to me.

The struggle.

What else can I do here? How can I be of service? I love to share what I love- what I'm wearing when I feel inspired and what I believe in. I do hope that sharing what I wear will spark an idea or an air of confidence for you to go out and express yourself in the truest sense possible for you. I want you to feel good about yourself. I want you to feel secure choosing what you love for you.

But again, for me these are not hard and fast rules, only suggestions. It may change tomorrow-maybe it could. Ultimately you hold the key or the blueprint to your personal style; that key comes from inside of you (your intuition). How do you want to look and feel? That's what matters most imo.

For now, sharing my own style inspiration, what is true and important for me, and what is working through my eyes is all that I can do. I can not prescribe a color or cut to make you more likely to get that job or to look 10 lbs thinner, or to look more attractive to your potential mate. I know there are plenty of people out there that can, and will. I just can't. My soul has said no.

"I have no formulas. If it feels good in the pit of my tummy, then I know it's right."

Iris Apfel


Shown here:

Blouse- Rodarte

Skirt- Organic by John Patrick

Boots- Jeffrey Campbell

This look was curated from Urbanity Style Sharing, Berkeley, CA. Urbanity specializes in well-edited women's designer resale, and locally designed jewelry. Thank you Urbanity for collaborating with me on this post.

Get involved. Become part of the movement for a healthier, more sustainable fashion world. I believe that together we can change the face of fashion.  Wear what you love and wear what empowers you. Also consider where your clothes were made and who made them. Your purchase may empower the person who made them (or not).

Shop wisely.

Every purchase is a vote. Make yours count. Dress in clothing you love and that have a positive impact on you and the rest of the world.

*The items featured on this blog are what I consider sustainable fashion and/or are items I have owned for a very long time- which I would then consider a sustainable fashion choice simply for the longevity of it.

Photography by Jessie Cagliero
